
Analysis Services

We offer analysis services in order to identify the system’s parameters and apply the most suitable control plan for each project accordingly. Our main priority is to assure the best quality in the subsequent analyses.


We conduct physico-chemical analyses in regard to industrial water control, such as steam and CHP generators, superheated water, condensates, and softened water generators, heating circuits, cooling towers, and condensers.


We perform water potability analyses, according Royal Decree 140/2003, regarding the sanitary criteria of the quality of water.


We also conduct physico-chemical and microbiological analyses in accordance with Royal Decree 865/2003 and Decree 352/2004, which establish the health and hygiene criteria for the control and prevention of Legionellosis. Identification of the Legionellosis serogroup is also made.


Finally, we carry out waste water analyses, i.e. DQO, DBO, DBO5, NKT, oils, detergents, etc.

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